GENGHIS CON RAPIDLY APPROACHES! Saturday, November 26th, 2011 is just a few short weeks away!
Here's the poster drawn by John G, this year referencing the current climate of Protests and Occupations that are happening all over the country (and the world). Occupy Wallstreet in New York, since it's inception, has been a constant source of activity and inspiration, while Occupy Oakland has ramped up really hard over the last few weeks culminating with a General Strike as of TODAY. Occupy Cleveland itself appears to be working with The City, and Cleveland's Police.
At any rate, this poster is in the tradition of referencing current events in the same way John G's Genghis Con 2009 poster was a reaction to the police brutality in Pittsburgh during a G20 summit. Last year John G's poster was a shout out about Chilean Miners stuck in that mine.
With that, this year, our THIRD Genghis Con, is looking to be the biggest and best yet. We'll get a bunch of updates up shortly, but for now we have one announcement and a couple links to include in this blog post.
• Firstly, the announcement. On the one hand: the show this year will be moving up an hour to 11AM to 5PM, so it will be opening and closing earlier. On the other hand: THE BAR WILL BE OPEN! Huzzah!
• Genghis Con itself now has a facebook fan page, here: Genghis Con Cleveland and there's also a facebook event page, here: Genghis Con 2011 and we also have a twitter feed here: @thegenghiscon
• One of our co-conspirators and the artist responsible for this GC2011 Flyer, Kevin Czapiewski currently has an awesome comix art exhibit (titled Czap!) hanging at Blackbird Baking Company in Lakewood. The show hangs until December 4th (which will give our out of town visitors the opportunity to stop by the Blackbird and check it out while experiencing some of their amazing breads or pastries (feel free to email us if you would like recommendations))- if you're IN town haven't seen it or had any Blackbird in your life, you're assuredly missing out.
• No link to the event just yet, but we'd like to mention that Carol & John's Comic Book Shop will be having their annual Black Friday Midnight Madness Sale from 7pm to Midnight on Friday, November 25th, which is really just a huge party at the store. If you're in from out of town a night early, this party is bananas!
• The popular comics podcast COMICS ARE GO! will be having a Genghis Con Roundtable show in the coming weeks, but we assure you, with nearly 100 past episodes in the bank, at least some of them are worth listening to: CHECK THEM OUT HERE! We highly recommend the Gary Dumm special edition and the Hellboy special edition, but also any update with Mike Sangiacomo and if you figure out which one is a DERF interview, let us know because that one was awesome.
Thanks for checking us out, we look forward to seeing you all on the 26th at The Beachland Ballroom! Keep checking back for updates until then!
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